Church Life

preparing for worship image

Sunday's Sermon Text:

Ezra 1-6 & Haggai 1:1-15

This week we return to our series on God's good promises in the Old Testament. A significant amount of time has passed since we last saw Israel, and they have turned after false gods and have ceased to worship Yahweh. Yahweh sends them into exile (as He promised He would if they did not keep the covenant), but He promises that He will restore them to the Promised Land. When the prophesied time has passed, Yahweh calls His true people back to Jerusalem, and shows them a picture of how He will eventually call His chosen people from the nations to Himself.

As you prepare for worship this week by reading our passage pay attention to how the Lord works with his people and what it looks forward to.


  • Doxology
  • Evermore
  • His Name Is Jesus
  • Amazing Grace
  • All Glory Be To Christ
  • Jesus is Better